OnRoule.org mobile app coming Spring 2017
OnRoule Mobile App is coming soon!

Photo : Nathalie Rochefort
Although OnRoule is making its way to its 5th anniversary, our team is working on the development of the first ever mobile application OnRoule.org.
The app will allow users to find accessible location nearby, to have access to information on activities and events, to create activities, invite friends and to be able to engage into conversation with other users. Furthermore, the locations information will be simplied in order for users to contribute to the database and help out in the community.
The projected date to launch the mobile app is spring of 2017, right in time before the festivals of 375 Montreal. This will be extremely helpful for tourists with limited mobility, allowing everything to be at their fingertips.
Generous Help
We would like to thank Foundation of Greater Montreal and Community Fund for Canada’s 150th for their generous contribution of $ 15 000.
The contribution will not only help the social development but enhance the resource available for individuals with limited mobility and finally making Montreal an intelligent and accessible city. This project would have not been possible without their help.
Click here to read and enlargen the article below.
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