Salon de l’autisme TSA du Québec (Autism Quebec Exhibit)
From March 31st to April 1st, 2017, the Salon de l’autisme TSA du Québec (Autism Quebec Exhibit) will take place. Over 70 exhibitors and 20 speakers will be there to inform people about autism at Centre de congrès et d’expositions of Lévis.

Pictures of the 2016 exhibit. Source: Website of Salon de l’autisme TSA
Salon’s mission
The Salon de l’autisme TSA du Québec is an annual public exhibition with purpose to inform Quebecers on autism, allowing them to discover services and resources that can help them better understand and interact with autism people.
The main goal is to allow children to play, exchange with others and have fun, while adults can meet other parents and discover new resources.
Along many other speakers, Ms Brigitte Harrisson and Ms Lise St-Charles, cofounders of SACCADE, a specialised center about autisms offering complete services for people living with autism, their families and friends as well as health professionals.
For more information, you can access Salon’s website or the Facebook Event page.
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