Main-Forte Montréal
6602 Papineau Avenue
Montreal, QC H2G 2X2

Main-forte Montréal allows people with physical disabilities, away from regular labor market, to enter an environment reproducing the labour world (assembly and packaging). We allow too:
- To participate in an activity which reproduces the labour world
- To break isolation
- To develop self-confidence
- To integrate members on social and professional levels
- To offer tailor-made training, according to the needs of the team
- To give a rest to informal caregivers
Bagging : Everything that needs to be counted and placed in a bag. We offer a service for sealing items in a plastic bag, for example: count and insert plastic utensils, fold t-shirts, put together utensil kits for restaurants, assemble coffee kits for hotels.
Preparation for mass mailings : We are capable of preparing everything for a mass mailing campaign. We put together documents, fold them, insert in envelopes, apply mailing stickers, close the envelope, apply the stamp and deliver to the post office.
Packaging : We insert gift items in different packages. We will package anything that can be processed while sitting at a table.
Other services : We have cut ribbons, put programs together for a show, we’ve placed stickers for a change of address, sharpened pencils for a competition, put together gift bags for a golf tournament, sorted business cards, etc.
Heures d’ouvertre
Monday to Thursday : 8AM to 4PM
Friday: 8AM to 3PM
Outdoor Access
- Level access
Indoor Access
- Direct
- Wider Door
- Raised Seat
- Barre d’appui
- Bigger Space
Other Accessibility Features
Parking lot
Notes d’accessibilité
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