Voir centris 26063710 André-Philippe St-Germain 450-977-1979

Last modification: 10 Jul 2024
316 Rue Caisse, Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, QC, Canada
Price: 799000 $
Property Type: House
Accessibility level: Accessible
Property Size: House - 2 Storey , including 3 chambres à coucher
Status: For Sale
Neighbourhood: Saint-Bruno de Montarville
Date of availability 3 mois negociable


Outdoor Access

  • Level access

Indoor Access

Not available


  • Lower switches
  • Wider door
  • Raised seat
  • Grab bar
  • Larger navigation space
  • Free space under the sink
  • Floor level shower
  • Lever door handles (not round)

Other accessibility elements

  • Lower switches
  • Lower counters
  • Free space under the kitchen sink
  • Wider doorways
  • Wider corridors
  • Extra room around the bed to move around
  • Lever door handles (not round)

Specific services offerred:


Contact info


Other information

Le contact est mon agent immobillier  numero d’inscription Centris 26063710

Contact the person in charge

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